Somalia officially becomes 8th member of East Africa Community

Somalia's accession will encourage further investments in infrastructure, stimulating trade, tourism, and socio-economic development.
Somalia on Monday deposited instruments of ratification on the accession of the East African Community (EAC) Treaty with the regional bloc's secretariat making the Horn of Africa country officially the bloc's 8th member state.
Somalia deposited her instruments in Arusha, Tanzania.
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EAC Secretary General Peter Mathuki pronounced the Federal Republic of Somalia as the newest member of the community.
The treaty of accession was signed by Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohammud and the bloc's chairperson, South Sudan President Salva Kiir in Uganda on December 16, 2023.
The signing ceremony was also witnessed by Uganda President Yoweri Museveni.
Somalia's journey towards EAC membership commenced in July 2022 when Mogadishu expressed interest in joining the bloc.
President Hassan Sheikh's high-level visit to the EAC headquarters at the time marked the formal launch of Somalia's bid and aimed to garner support from member states.

With Somalia's membership, the EAC now comprises Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania.
The EAC provides a platform for member states to collaborate on various issues, including trade, security, infrastructure, and resource management.
With Somalia's inclusion, the EAC has enlarged its market to close to 300 million people, creating extensive trade opportunities among member states.
Increased economic growth
Enhanced trade ties will lead to increased economic growth and prosperity for all parties involved and the region's economic potential expands even further.
The EAC has actively pursued infrastructure development projects to improve connectivity within the region.
Somalia's accession will encourage further investments in infrastructure, stimulating trade, tourism, and socio-economic development.

The EAC also provides a platform for member states to collaborate on various issues, including trade, security, infrastructure, and resource management.
The EAC is actively involved in infrastructure development projects, such as road networks, railways, ports, and energy systems.
Becoming a member of the EAC means that Somalia will have access to these initiatives, leading to improved connectivity, trade facilitation, and economic integration.
Investment in infrastructure will help remove barriers and enhance Somalia's ability to participate in regional trade and economic activities.
The EAC was established in 2000 and is headquartered in Arusha.
Its mission has been to foster economic growth by, among other things, eliminating customs duties among member states.
It established a common market in 2010.
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